1.Do i like the aspects, As a whole no. Some of the individual ones are good though. Changed how i feel about Halo gameplay? Yes, Did i expect...
I mean previous halos could of been made for money so could of halo 4 but difference is other halos could of been made for a noble reasons as well...
Then gladly they didn't disrespect you, Which is a good thing. But when they promised/given to believe(idk which it is) something to be only...
But can you see the distinction? Halo 1,2,3,Reach all had awesome improvements and innovation and gameplay from the previous title. Even IF...
I got it, I like how the giving out gameplay effecting specializations to a select player base. Not only disrespecting people who bought LE but...
AA's loadouts are done better in 4. My exact defense for reach. My opinions pre-Halo 4 release where unsure with there decisions but I'll see...
I've Beat marathon but never played myth though, I really doubt there going to clone marathon gameplay because its really old and I was under...
Wasn't expecting a argument just trying to keep information in the thread as correct as possible by pointing out the poor quality image is closer...
Actually crappy textures take me out of the immersion while playing. Has to be blown up because of size of image to fit in forum, In game the...
Don't worry people will still buy it regardless of aesthetic quality and regardless that its just a generic BTB map. (Which I doubt will have any...