I got a 2v2 on this with fated and donuts. I definitely notice the Damnation influence on the map. There are a few points I want to bring up...
As long as you don't change your GT too often, that's why I removed you lol My GT is IKorlash (with an i at the front). Feel free to add me.
I'll agree, the steep ramps suck for flooring on Ravine. They look much cleaner on Forge Island. It's just 343 and their big ideas with...
Those maps technically support slayer. Also, name change because Pokemon.
Thanks for the comment. About the weapon rails, to an extent they can slow down gameplay (having to move out of the flow to get them), but there...
Hey everyone! I once forged this map in Reach, once in Halo 4, and again in Halo 4. After framerate brought the most recent version to crap, I...
It's okay, they're both wonderful national geographic creations.
It is seriously too situational between which canvas looks better IMO. Every game's forge has unique advantages. But also, it's impossible to...
If there's any map with less white than any other color, it's this one. The aesthetics look great and the map plays fluid.
Yes this map looks wonderful. very clean, and a wonderful map.
Bumped for awesomeness!
I agree with this post minus the sheer elitism. I am all for tearing down "aesthetic maps" though.
Perplex [IMG] Created by IKorlash Hey everyone! I have lost touch with Forgehub for a while, and even Halo 4 Forge for some time. However,...
Congrats on the sticky, noooch. I'm assuming it won the monthly FHF. I can tell a lot of work has been put into this. 15/10
I've been on Cryptcross one time in Halo 3, and it was pretty sweet. I'm looking forward to checking this out too.
Congrats Urban Myth, don't let these little girls get to you.
I think a young, mexican girl can solve your guys' problems: "Por que no los dos?"
The only game(s) I'm excited for isn't listed. Pokemon X/Y. I'll be following news about Gears of War judgment, but I heard it was making a turn...
You went way too deep into sarcasm there. I was hoping you would put on your big boy pants and at least try google, but I guess not. Anyways, it...
The best thing that ever happened to playing pokemon