Well first, I was certainly not speaking about contests. I won't shout "this is bullshit" if I submitted a vertical 2v2 map for a 4v4 competition...
Do what you want and not care about what anybody thinks of your map. Gameplay, aesthetics, gameplay, aesthetics. It comes down to personal...
Is this what the size of 2 forge units is now? It looks even bigger than 2 units on MCC It looks great though. Aquaduct was one of my favorite maps.
I just might be getting Halo 5 soon. These maps are looking awesome
That could hold me over to say the least.
I second this. And also, I can imagine that for every 1 person that hates your video, there are as many as 5-10 that enjoyed the video and/or have...
I am just waiting until 2020 when the developers release Halo Reach Anniversary, featuring the zero bloom DMR and no armor abilities. Fingers crossed.
I have been a fan of smash since 64 myself, but I haven't played any smash in the last few months or so. So much has been different. Wow, I...
I don't think I could be more proud of you Max, buying Halo 5. Remember not to light your disc on fire until after December.
I don't think I could be more proud
map looks smooth, commander Lumen
Yeah, it sucks to see the forge eras end so quickly (or in H2A's case, not even spark with this piss of a launch); this game has been out for less...
Goodness, this thread has really blown up in the last couple of weeks. How are things going in the H2A Forge community?
is this a fat map or a skinny map? I can't figure this out
Looked down upon by who (other than Squally, though I didn't read his post)? The majority of comments in your threads have been pretty positive. I...
What limits am I accepting again? I'm just curious because I'm not certain you know anything about my forging style. For what I said about you...
I'm not sure how to begin here, so here are my views on different things. I come off as an ass during some parts, so I apologize in advance: "3...
Justice has been done. Diesel turned 10 this year, and Eden and Epic are in! Congrats fellas
tesla, then any forge map after that because tesla sets the bar so low
it's pretty certain he got driven off of forgehub. I don't blame him for leaving and don't blame forgehubbers for reacting the way they did. The...