**** well.
I haven't touched photoshop to edit in a while, but felt like I needed a new wallpaper. I'm not very good at making wallpapers, but spent some...
I listen to mostly rap nowadays, alot of it "alternative" rap, if you wanna call it that, like cudi, danny brown, asap, joey badass, Ab-soul, etc....
96% of NASA employees got cut off. Which sucks. I <3 NASA. Unrelated: Had a college fair at my school today...More colleges offer astrophysics...
I've spent more time on Halo 3 than all the other game's I've ever had. Just looked at my stats again, over 40k kills (matchmaking) across...
[media] Throwback
I hate when people say I drive like an idiot, because I tend to speed. I also hate when I'm riding someone's ass (tailgating) and they don't get...
I'm at the ending of season 3 of breaking bad, ive had to avoid twitter the past couple days, after seeing [spoiler] I'm current at the episode...
I really and truly am irritated with the way you type.
Just a bit of advice to anyone planning on working with friends/family. Dont.
I had a great idea, a knife holder with a sharpener inside, pretty easy to make too, however I obviously can't bring a knife to school, so that...
Digging through my old stuff, I found an old desktop pc I use to use, before I got a laptop, and I feel like it could be easily and cheaply...
I need to make an adaptive invention/innovation for my engineering class yet im completely stumped on what to do. I have had ideas, but they...
lol, usually im a delivery driver, but tonight i have to be a dishwasher... oh the sorrow
We are devo.
So I'm taking a graphics design class at high school, thinking it would help me broaden my pretty decent knowledge base on the subject, possibly...
I must say, gta v is the most fun ive had on xbox in a while. Spent $40,000 in game modifying a prius today. Good investment. Down to $500 though.
Doesn't it seem alittle unfair that they would quite literally make a shot miss, even though every logical hit detection system would register it...