seems youve retained some coloured rights.
tumblr surprisingly has some neat niches for inspiration.
your education system is (or was) borked, if i may say so.
the paying attention is the bit where its a struggle. atm im writing my notes into a need to know book. so far ive got half of quantum mechanics.
then quit while youre ahead!!!
is this for high school or college?
dont do chemistry. just dont.
this thread is getting too american.
probably getting it with my replacement xbox. see y'all on the road i guess?
SWAGnums goddammit. they just need to call it SWAGnums. also, i saw prometheus over the weekend. i forgot how gross that franchise is.
tick tock goes the clock.
>decade old machine >limits to games >different games different limits
i said that different things are dated in different ways, i think you mistook that for a full-on argument.
shield effect. as in when it breaks. similarly with armor lock. both look real shitty. you're also comparing games which are entirely different....
then i said halo 4 also has bad aesthetics too. which you then decided to class as design. this has to be the longest eye-rolling experience ever.
its like you're wittering on about nothing. no, wait. that's exactly what it is. lets try again. in what way does ACIII look dated and how is...
defending myself? now who's the one who has the inability to read?
because you don't often come across as pompous and self-aggrandising...