It's not flawed to me, nor to many others. So when forge comes out, I'll likely build a breakout map around the gametype in it's current state....
I think after all of my years of not eating healthy, my body has phased out the need for fruits and veggies lol. I'm in excellent shape. To me,...
Okay sounds good. You have fun analyzing it while I have fun playing it.
I don't eat any vegetables or fruit (Aside from French fries). Will I be okay doju? I think fruits and veggies are overrated. Do you enjoy eating...
I disagree. If you have a good time then who cares?
Never played CS, but to me, breakout is really fun. I have a great time with it regardless of what is arguably wrong with it.
What's wrong with it?
Hey there I think I recognize your name from gaf! Nice to see you around. Damn I remember those names. For some reason it makes me happy that...
No I disagree. I like the implementation of a flag if a player is hiding. I played a lot of breakout last night, and there were many times that...
Well, Halo 5 has been out for a few days, and I'm curious to see what you all think about it. For me, I'm REALLY enjoying this game. It feels...
No question it's better than Halo 4 and reach
Wow is this real life?
I pray nobody is stupid enough to pay for a forge map.
Damn I remember you^
This is a good idea. Really good actually, but I'm not the type of person that would fit into this type of thing so well. Treating map creation...
I honestly think they'll come eventually. I don't see them locking away that stuff just for warzone forever. They obviously want to create a since...
Seriously a great trailer. My hype levels are rising.
Yeah I think so, at least to me it is. Art is really subjective though. What art is to me is not art to others.
whaaat that guy was a legend
[IMG] Grats to 343. Not much longer now!