Looks great. One bug I noticed was on mobile, you can't pick the second to last page of a thread. Like it'll go 55,56,57, then 59 for example.
Man I'm ready to show you all my take on forerunner! There's a few "trapazoids" though so I hope it looks okay.
It's really the best forge we've ever had. Grouping, then duplicating a structure is the best thing ever. Terrain is awesome. Fog is awesome....
Man the lighting on parts of my map just looks straight up bad. Like on one part of the map I stand in my spartan turns completely black, and...
As someone that has little success in competitive map making, what exactly is scaling?
I'm doing forerunner as well, but it's more of the 343 Haven look.
Working on a doubles map for the contest. The theme will be that UNSC has uncovered a new forerunner structure and have set up a temporary base...
I believe that's an avalanche remake
I actually love playing breakout with my three buddies. I love 1 life games.
Not sure why, but when I see a forge map that looks like a real location I am much more impressed. Like Cargo Port by psychoduck in Halo Reach for...
Oh boy here we go! And those prizes. Damn. Forgehub's not messing around.
Damn. I think this might be the first iteration of forge where we will see creations that look like dev maps to the untrained eye.
Really like the color scheme.
He's bringing some good exposure to forge and halo in general, so I'd say that's pretty awesome of him.
Nice work that's awesome.
My mind is blown [IMG]
Best ViDoc of all time
Looks great!
Here's a little sneak peak on what I've been working on since the release of forge: The controls
Haven't tried it yet, but I've heard it'll take some getting used to.