Don't care, the mishandling so far is unacceptable. @CheChouMustGo! Seriously, this dude is a clown. If I had an employee that showcased such...
So, no news on the forge maps? Figures. #CheChouMustGo!
At line 4 I recognized I've read this before. After line 5 I suspected it was Ozymandias. Amazed I recognized it, having not read it for 10+ years. :D
Still got that code on hand? I kinda forgot to enter it and my XBL is about to run out. Haha.
Even the weaker individuals of the established forging community (meaning thos Blue Team confirmed. :P
Way to fail 343, way to fail... Their HCS team is incompetent as all hell.
Honestly, what astounds me is 343i produces such low quality forge maps, yet has the gall to ask the world of our own creations.
Quin del Hoyo was tweeting earlier asking for suggested tweaks to the forge abomination called Orion. Orion as in :343:i's ****tastic map in H5,...
Can we do something about this stupid "your views on this map" but no links to the actual map page? Some pages got links, others don't. The hell...
I've been rocking the Jigglypuff avatar for years man, and they jigglepuff emote here is literally named after me. I'm the jiggles, get with the...
Zomg! Eightballs is back! Also, you do not have permission to Jigglypuff approve anything. I'm the damn Jigglypuff here and I approve nothing!...
Season 1 proved that HCS can survive off as small of a map pool as 3 maps... Right off the bat, H5 will have at least 4 viable dev maps. If there...
Which is just sad, really... I blame MLG to be honest. They started as a Halo e-sports league and had a grandiose vision, but were overly reliant...
This is all very true and you make some valid points here, but we are talking about the run of the mill "MLG-ermehgurds" kid here, and they're not...
Who cares about HCS in H5, we'll have GP and Forge! Maybe we can finally have a proper continually changing roster of maps too! Cycling a few out...
I was wanting to see Season 2 fail... But this disappoints me, as this isn't S2 failing, it's 343i making it look like the forgers were...
OT Response: Kinda... You can set up your account so that you don't see the ******* instead of words. Default settings have them censored though.
The dude was implying these were the best maps out of FH, which we know is false. From there it's a slippery slope. If those are the best and...
It's already starting.... And I guess they're dropping Eden and Epic from IG Atlanta? Really makes the forge community look good here doesn't...
If it doesn't limit to only maps created in that time span, great! It better not place higher emphasis on those either... On the contrary, I still...