I clearly missed that one then. That's on me. Perssonally, I'm fed up on all of this "casual" and "competitive" merit bullshit. All that matters...
You're english and clearly can't do sarcasm. Good on mate. Look, I know I'm the popular guy to **** all over because I'm the only guy with a real...
For the record, no one is insinuating in the slightest that BTB is "casual" only, or "not competitive".
Also, love the excessive amounts of stonewall fallacies in this thread. There's way to much "you're wrong because of Wall of Text", or "so-n-so...
This post gave me cancer. Heroic moments, to me, is about creating opportunities for players to rack up a lot of kills with minimal effort,...
The TL;DR is *neil degrasse tyson voice* "the amount of bullshit in this thread is too damn high!" But seriously... There's a lot of bullshit...
Yup, I'm bad. Good one. Funny guy.
Could you be any more dense mate? Are you really arguing that the average gamer lacks the intellectual basis required to make an informed decision...
There are no "messiahs" of the forge community. There are seasoned designers, and there is everyone else. No real class distinction. There aren't...
Honestly, I'm not even all that bothered by the overal design of the map at this point. It's a pretty decent map, and I'm enjoying playing on it...
Don't get me wrong Fated, I'm not hating on your writing style, I'm raising concern over how it comes across like you're trying way too hard to...
Well said. Coming out of the MLGFF scene, I can't agree more. The whole "only one way" approach really hampered my ability as both a level...
Jesus, I hate this latest buzz word. And honestly Fated, this could just be me nitpicking, but christ almighty can you lay off the overly hyped...
It is literally impossible to make a 4sk Magnum without breaking the BR. Spent a good bit of time playing around with the settings trying out...
I can't deny the dude is intelligent, but I'm really afraid you might be putting him on a bit of a pedestal. His posts going into Halo 5 have...
So I got hella outashape while wrapping up my graduate degree and subsequent period of unemployment and low motivation.... Starting to get back...
I think Countdown could actually be a pretty cool map for H5, especially if you alter it slightly and add in crouch-jump-clambers between the...
Correct. The black list went away in Halo 4, and the CC's have reassured me multiple times it doesn't exist.
Why would they hate you? You've never done anything nearly as bad as my antics, and I'm still in fair standing.
It probably does considering it was in previous Halo games. Things like the spawn system seem to be something they don't alter too much from game...