Correct, 1 forge unit equaled 3 meters. If you're scaling your 2x2 blocks as 16x16, you're gonna have a bad time... Better to go with the feet to...
Definitely the coolest map of the bunch. Shame there are exploits on it, but those will get fixed eventually. I'd give ya my gameplay feedback,...
Not to rain on your parade or anything, as you put a lot of work into this, but the direct translation is literally to take feet and convert them...
Objects in Halo 5 are measured in feet, as opposed to those in previous games that were compatible with meters. Previously each forge unit equaled...
I like room based maps, but I've hated them in previous Halos because of issues with the sandbox and utility weapon. When you have slow killing...
Why are we posting this at a forge forum where the members have a predisposed bias towards the removal of as many "unsatisfactory" dev maps in the...
This is an over arching issue I've been having with the maps in Halo 5, as the design team have taken it upon themselves to decide that its better...
If you go and watch Epic's Unreal Tournament Youtube Channel videos where they walk through the process of designing Titan Pass and Outpost 23,...
Not sure is sarcasm....
H2A had a hard limit in that ballpark, but it had a soft limit of around 400 to 500 pieces before it'd cause the map to kick players out of the...
New forge looks so sexy. Unfortunately, I've been so caught up in all the hype, that I've completely ignored the total object count limitation......
Should also point out, IIRC, that Frankie said on NeoGAF that the forge maps don't count to the DLC mapcount. I'm recycling what I read at BE...
First, what DarkPrince said. BTB is a subsection of Arena. Second, I'm just waiting to see how Antifreeze turns out. If it's true to War's design...
How is it lazy design? Remixes are a completely logical approach to countering development choke points, namely that creating the art assets for...
Earlier today I was gaming, but didn't have many friends online (which is odd considering my friendslist is composed predominantly by Halo kids),...
*crawls out of hiding* Uh, what? You high bro?
I'm moving to Colorado soon, but I honestly don't care for pot. Smoked in highschool, like it then. Tried it a few times in the past few years,...
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Silly old FH, where the staff loved to feature their own maps and ban members for bullshit like that.
Did it really take all these years for you to make an account here? Or are you a different SaltyKoala?
Honestly, I firmly believe that you do mean well, but just like I have no ill intent with my posts, people will interpret things vastly differently.