yeah uh, brainwashing. that's what that means.
you know you're community manager of a halo site right? i know you're being honest, and there's nothing wrong with honesty, but that looks pretty...
furry's numbers are right on. 1200 will get you a few years of no upgrading parts
building desktops yourself is fun, if you're into that kinda thing. it's not a sure way to save money though. good laptops in general will empty...
dude camo, chips is a pterodactyl
replace cancer with muscular dystrophy, and you have me during my freshman/sophomore year of high school attitude. then i stopped whining and...
so much +rep.
imagine if mewtwo made cawk blawkin and was made of swamp algae
i want a tina fey poster...
i don't think he's being picky, that looks bad. really bad. and it's noticeable in the trailer no-less. are we ignoring things that look...
didnt count
all i know is moon-like thingy in close proximity to the planet like that is some badass looking sci-fi ****. potentially iconic. boners. gives me...
and i feel like you're just saying things just because other people are. but its only a feeling, i can't know for sure.
there are a few things that need to be fixed with the gametype settings as well. mostly with waypoints and weird bugs in the new gametypes....
i dont see cod in the combat at all. sure theres ordnance drops and customized classes and whatnot, but at the bare-bones combat, it isn't cod....
up here, not shaving in november derives from the hunting culture. gun season = hunters with beards. also, hockey teams usually grow out their...
i enjoy looking at the faces of both rooney mara and noomi rapace
that's pretty freaky bowie
i would touch their bums. david bowie and nine inch nails' bums. Edited by merge: David Bowie - Hang Onto Yourself - YouTube
old school