Nah, Im still getting a PS4, and this whole thing has left a sour taste in my mouth in regards to microsoft, though to be completely frank, I...
Lets disregard the fact the console is limited to 21 countries and around half of the US doesnt have broadband internet. Just focusing on their...
what if, they ditched forge, and they replaced it with nothing. Because project spark is coming out and they just thought, "**** it, if they want...
I would totes be up for a halo 3 gamenight once july hits and I can download it for free. I did end up selling my copy ages ago, otherwise I would...
I am actually more excited to play halo 3 again than anything else microsoft has said this whole week.
You would be fine with just the movies, but like other series done the same way, the movies do leave out some of the lesser details and plot...
Mariokart 7 is pretty good considering it is on a handheld.
really, because last time I drove 90 mph the car didnt spin out of control and run onto the grass. In real life. Forza and GT both have a high...
any of the older Need For Speed games, Burnout, or PGR even. Not to mention that Drive Club and The Crew look to be strong contenders once the...
Im just saiyan. At least he isnt going bonkers over gran tourismo, which is probably the only racing game worse than forza.
which is honestly a stupid reason. If you like racing games, ps4 and even pc have them. Most of them better than forza.
wow. Just wow.
OMG I would love to see Viewtiful Joe. I takeback any previous statements about favs, Joe would be my alltime fav. Henshin a go-go, baby!
the villager from animal crossing was in the trailer before megaman. Guess I would forget him too if I was super excited about megaman. I actually...
good god, wii fit lady might become my fav secondary character to use when Im tired of kirby.
seeing as the L and O have always looked that way I think it is a silly reasoning. It is pretty damn obvious it is 5, and you dont really need to...
If you are a fan of Pokemon, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing, I'd say the purchase is worth it. Anything else is just icing on the cake, I actually...
oh well, dont really mind it going to it, just means more people get to play it. But Dark Sorceror was just a tech demo, not a game.
SOOOOOOO excited for the 3ds Smash bros, I actually get to play it without having to buy a **** Wii U. Also, considering Megaman was in the GB...
I agree that Sony killed it, I just finished watching their conference due to business earlier. Gotta say, while the launch lineup isnt as great...