nearly all of the books have been.
Sorry if this comes across as rude, but why would you post the map before you tested it? As fragmented as the forge community is nowadays, wouldnt...
I saw the first episode of that, was waiting for the second to give my thoughts. I currently dont care much for the character design/art style....
So, I started reading some stuffs; Liar Game - Psyren - Old Boy - Of these, Psyren is a shounen...
truly revolutionary. and I have so many feels for mo-cap dog, all of the feels.
yes. I am positive. Many sites have this info, just look.
Your info might be mixed up, halo 3 isnt going free on the 15th (or this month at all). AC2 is going free on the 16th.
sorry man, the votes are looking that way.
Yeah, I like that they are doing smaller map dlc, but I hate them for making my favorite armor set throughout the franchise into a dlc only thing...
New changes have been made, main ones being the removal of Banshee, and the filling in of the central pit. Of course new pictures, and now a...
yeah, there is now a hole in sword room and a lift up from under there to what was the wall directly across from the sword rooms door in that...
Oh, sky; if you are watching Air Gear I suggest to change over to the manga instead, it actually goes on and doesnt stop abruptly whereas the...
Oh, if the crying bothers you, trust me when I say it is a constant thing. Even as far as the manga is, there are still people flipping **** and...
nonono, you're thinking the OVA nekomonogatari, the sorta prequel for Tsubasa. This is an actual series contnuing from where nisemonogatari leaves...
I can get on at 8pm EST, but no earlier. edit: scratch that, 8:30 at best, so I probably won't make it.
Score one means that regardless of the amount of teammates in the hill, it gives you points for one person. Everybody counts is the opposite, in...
I'm going to send you a friend request, because while you are right about the budget, I did manage to make these changes literally just by moving...
Well, the problem with the random drops was mainly that the blue side was getting screwed on weapons, all of the good ones would spawn on red...
The other day a couple friends and I ran through this in forge and discussed some stuff that could be improved/changed (I wont even bring up...
So guys, Nekomonogatari is started and you know what? The instant I saw Tsubasa without glasses and a new haircut I liked her. I guess I REALLY...