Ah, sorry man, guess you didnt see my thread yet. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/147258-farewell-now.html Tonight is the last Ill be...
In the version that had the Banshee, the weapon set was heavier and the Overshield was actually a Railgun, I changed it because I didn't like the...
Fowl Play is a three way symmetrical arena map, built for a unique type of flag gameplay not seen before (as far as I know); 3 team neutral flag....
Warbird is a small, asymmetrical 2v2 - 3v3 map designed for Oddball and CTF (One flag specifically) The design is borrowed from a project me,...
The largest of the four maps I will be attempting to post in the next two days, Broken Wings. Originally the map had a banshee, and while it did...
Considering that I am going to be working on radio equipment, I will probably be going somewhere isolated, or in eastern asia. I am personally...
For the past 5 years, I have been a fairly active member of the community here, though not nearly what anyone would call popular by any means. I...
no, modded with grids lined up barely below sea level so as the entire forgable space above water can be walked.
my guess is that the point is set to attackers, so that only they can plant a point there.
they should make an entire game based on the angry rampage of former captain del rio of the infinity. He can go on an alchohol fueled quest for...
if we start before I leave in 2 weeks, I'll do something.
we still doing this, or are we gonna just let it die? I've only got 2 weeks until I'll be gone for about a month and a half, so if we do end up...
I need to watch that still, is it on youtube or something? Don't answer that, I'm looking right now.
Oh, I thought it was just one of the invisible blocks from the normal mario games.
I really dig the sunshine thingy, makes me wish they remade super mario sunshine for 3ds. Hell, just remake all the awesome gamecube mario games....
Nekomonoatari Kuro should be a four episode OVA.
Yes, specifically it is; Kizu, Neko (kuro), Bake, Nise, Neko (shiro). Nekomonogatari Kuro is the OVA episodes, Nekomonogatari Shiro is the...
movie still needs to be subbed. I think it'll be done in 2-3 months.
meh, I honestly disliked Zealot. And thing is, Standoff wouldnt lend itself to dmr at all, Tempest however did.
Honestly, none of the stock maps from Reach are worth remaking. None of them. Now DLC ones, Breakpoint was great, and all of the anniversary pack...