What I don't get, is that they want to promote teamwork in CTF by allowing the runner to fend for themselves? Well, I bow to your logic three...
Another quest chin/topic for thought. Will flood forms be able to hold weapons? It doesn't look like it, and if they can't then infection is...
I can't be arsed to do anything atm (besides type this, nice try :P) Anyway, what is the problem with parts merging into map geometry? Can we not...
I'm in a smidgey bit of a conundrum at the moment. I'm not sure on wether or not I should wait until halo 4 is out, or try and pump out another...
Hey neo. Yeh you, neo. Remember when I trolled you *eyes signature and looks up to the sky in fond memory?* Bet you wish I was right round about...
I haven't chosen a map yet.
OK, I will have a look at all the submissions and make a choice on maps in a week or so's time. If I see an amazing map i'll go straight for that,...
We are really, REALLY close to done. VFX layers for middle and ending is done and nearly locked in. Ending is in place and amusing (at least for...
Submit it to my thread, or i'm not listening ;)
I would certainly give it a go.
Hyperion Recommends: Come back later when your gai is less crap.
OK, i'm updating videostudio today. (deserves SOOO much more credit than it gets) I was waiting for a problem I had with my card to clear, so I...
I'm not forcing you to pay for a video. Just because I get a lot of praise for my videos, and i'd like to upgrade my setup. I will still make...
Tah, brah. Did you read the post I made in my thread? I want your opinion on accepting tips for the stuff I do (seeing as the moment I started...
DAMN YOU USAicans! Not out for another 2 days here :(
Urgh, crap. I should have had this downloaded 3 hours ago, but I just came back from dinner and stupid chrome cancelled the download! Time to...
Anyway, sorry to throw this on you guys, but I would like your opinion on accepting donations for these videos. I have been contacted about this...
I just had an absolutely friggin awesom idea for getting camera tracking to work. Use the tips of spawn points as a contrasting colour for the...
Don't be mean to the shorty :( I'm kinda joint smallest in my year. I have smart man heels on my shoes. So the ginger girl (who happens to be my...