Wait, they took off flag must be at home to score? Please let it be an option! Yes, it was sometimes boring being the flag carrier and waiting...
What 343i have done is basically ruin the kind of really, really close contested games where somebody only gets a few seconds in the hill at a...
I just watched some KOTH gameplay. What a pile of shite. It's basically slayer with a mini objective. 15 seconds in the hill, or 1 kill. 55...
Day 1 patch has been confirmed by frankie for several minor issues.
Well, I have nearly finished all the prep work and pre-FX for my next video, so the moment a good submission comes my way we could claim the...
Thing is though, it's not 867 pages of intelligent thought and debate. For example, click the red button in my signature next to a post from...
As the title says, what will you forge first? Slayer, CTF, Puzzle, something that will break Halo 4, a remake of a past map, a remake of one of...
All is forgiven
OK then, there are obviously no maps until halo 4. What I will say is that I am going to get all the prep work done, so the moment a good map...
oshi yeh! Game just shipped my copy of halo 4. And the free delivery I chose is 2 days. BAHAHAHAHA. I could have it tomorrow. Or it will end up...
Halo 4 review • Reviews • Xbox 360 • Eurogamer.net Better review. Much more critical, gives an 8. They seem to dislike what they...
In English please, Sky?
Don't even know when to tell that somebody is lying....
Idea; MUTINY. Don't nominate ANY Halo 4 maps, just reach maps. BAHAHAHAHA.
Altar, although to be honest i'm not keen on any of those maps. And I doubt we will get halo 4 maps in so soon RTS. There may be another reach FHF ;)
I think we are judging forge from the maps. And really, who actually used all of forge world? We get the same featureset as reach, but with a...
Or movement speed decreased, perhaps sprint turnable off in the "classic" gametypes.
:O Pause at 2:40 Gametype: Escort. Is that VIP, or did 343i track something down that bungie hated and left, or couldn't make work?
Finally updated because I had nothing to do. Sadfaic. [IMG] BUT BAWS. SO MUCH BAWS.
Woh wait, they got rid of assault? That was my favourite gametype on valhalla! FUUUUUUU! 16 player neutral bomb. Stunningly good laugh n fun.