ahahaha, you went n did it the hard way after all. ;D go back to that page in the techno group, have u heard of benassi?
it's not that hard =D
horde fasho me and a irl friend have a guild started, we are around 26-28, and hope to have a decent sized/decent quality guild by the time we can...
Join uldum alby
I would like to see them implement neutral races... Starting out as a Goblin in the Booty Bay, and determining which side of the war I wanted to...
doooooooo eeeeeeeeet
Moved to ODST Discussion
Yes, i know. I'm bringing it up with the rest of the staff, to see if he gets another chance.
What up dude.
Yo god damn right
Why? ... .. . . . . .. .. . whyyyyy????
should be txsoutlaw
Never wound up in y'alls server, but I have started a fresh char in "Uldum" if anyone would like to hit me up, I go by Tecks.
Take a deep breath. Think slowly, and clearly. Does it really matter if racetracks take over Forge Hub? Are race tracks really taking over Forge...
Where'd this image originate, and how does it relate to myself?
I'ma load it up right now.
How convenient this thread should be brought back up. I just got a sub two days ago, and am now slowly but surely working my way up. What server...
Yo, you play wow right?
I told you guys I was leaving! lol... oh well, no harm done really. I would do them now, but again... I have to leave. Kapura's been banned for...
You seem to be lost. Consistently curious of life and its perplexities. That's pretty much the best way I can explain what I interpret.