It's "Tecks", I'm about to log in right now actually for some instancing. You could also get ahold of "Vecks." He's the guild lead atm.
Not 80's yet, heck no. Only started a few weeks ago. We're around 33 or so, the three irl friends that is. We've got a few 80's in the guild...
Priests are more valuable to us right now then paladins, so if you decide to either, go priest ;D
yea, i see that.they're bastards.
oh ****... well i guess i'll see ya on in 10 then. i have some time before i have to get ready for work =]
I work from 4-10/10:30 tonight... =/ gmt-6... afterwords i'ma prolly be chillaxin with the homies, but i still don't know my schedule for the rest...
God damn right sir ;D My buddy Pancake has a shitload of experience with WoW, and has a few max'd out chars. He's gone through hundreds of raids...
own domain.
oh fasho. i guess in the meantime i'ma work on gettin the guild website up.
lmfao... how long are they expected to be down?
talkin aboot wow?
=] \o Tanks & Healers, preferably healer.
The World of Warcraft Armory We prolly only started less then a month ago...
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo about time, eh?
Maybe when I finish this char on Uldum, I'll make one on Onyxia... Yes. Me and 2-5 other irl friends are going to have our guild's website up...
Why would you say yuck to uldum, with no reasoning?
read the last few pages.
when is this expected to happen shatakai?
What the **** do you mean "Space craft is horrible?" - While mentioning Warhammer 40k? Warcraft has prophecies about space, I'm sure, and maybe...
I shall not deface this beautiful name with the color "poop."