all instruments are going to have a fairly high price to them, they are not cheap. For many reasons... but if you're looking to learn an...
Firefox iz ur frend go5.
Good stuff. 'wish I could check it out, but finances are leading towards my own apartment soon... xbl/mappacks are kinda out of the question.
looks a lot better. it's that damn left (our right) mauler, as sam said...
Yes, yes. that's what i meant.
If the marine didn't look like a cardboard cutout, it'd be a lot better, but I am no gfx pro, so i have no suggestions.
Been forging at all lately?
i always thought you were on my fl... hmmm... oh well.
eagle? from collision?
All I don't understand.... is how if you're here talking about debates, writing, and college material... what the hell is up with the grammatical...
get ur old avatar back plzzzzz
I'll always have a love for certain individuals... Shad0w Pegasi Chips Tusk Shock Sarge squid Dom Creepy Nemi Norlinsky reynbow Blood...
rofl, you're in trouble! but srsly, i'm gunna be on for a while, so log in n shoot me a whisper ;D
What am I trying to pull?
D= ...
hopefully after I work from 4-10... it's 3 now.
=D k I'm out for now, i'll talk to ya soon ^^)
running instances? ****in a.
nah, server's down atm... but you should message "Vecks" "Tecks" or "Pancake" when you get online next. Me n our raid leader wanna get you in the...
you don't have a sub to wow anymore? =[