I ran a custom on Panopticon last night with a lobby of forgers, several of whom have maps in matchmaking. While the Forerunner inspired doorways...
The OS variant (120s respawn) is the only variant available. The OS variant is designed for the guys behind TTD. The guys behind the Unity...
OS already spawns. Did you mean you think Rockets > OS? Rockets are awesome on here too, but OS is better for competitive settings. To anyone who...
Agreed, its HUGE. I plan to run a lobby tonight but the start time is TBD. @Haunted, these magnificent people include Limey, Nitro, SaLoT,...
I wouldn't go that far, but thanks Chunk. This is technically still only my second design. I've got a long way to go before I make map worthy of...
ENDER [media] Ender is an inverse symmetrical arena designed at its core for CTF. Ender is a reforge of Black Site, a map canvased on Erosion...
Symmetrical tug-of-war arena designed for 4v4-6v6 CTF and Ricochet.
Asymmetrical 2v2 arena with acid routes and multiple portals. Venom features a mix of extreme verticality and overlap with a classic CE arena...
Stronghold is a rockets/dual snipers competitive map that draws inspiration from Sanctuary and Onslaught. Stronghold follows a two base - two...
Black Site is an inverse symmetrical map designed at its core for 5 Flag. I set out to create a flag map that rivaled The Pit in flow and...
The Ark is an original asymmetrical small-scale competitive map designed for Team Slayer and 1-Site Extraction at the tournament level. Ark...