True. But those 3 boxes on Damnation had far more connectivity to each other and cross map sightlines than the 3 boxes on Salem. The segmentation...
Eulogy Tested 4v4 Slayer on this with no sprint and got wrecked. Eulogy played fast paced and had a solid balance of long sightlines and...
Thanks man. Do you hate the 4v4 dynamic spawns on Ark specifically? Or do you just hate dynamic spawn systems in general? The Ark is a flanking...
Looks good Career. Have you been working on this for a few months? I swear I saw this or something similar to it with Redemption a few months...
I'll give Deceiver a download and run it tonight. I like your rock/bridge/rock trim around the edge of the map. This map will inevitably suffer...
Meta stems from the term meta-game. The definition of meta-game varies from person to person. As I understand it, meta-game is the potential for...
So, just how short is the shortest?
Challenge accepted under one can't call the map Armada. That name is mine! Also, some guy on BE just posted a map with this...
I've been watching Titan evolve for half a year now, constantly testing and giving you and Hahka crap for all the green. Titan is easily one of...
Thanks for the gameplay oVR. That Ark build is actually 1-2 weeks dated prior to the build that I sent Ghost. The new version has trees, quite a...
[IMG] The rock platform in front of the Spartan on the left has been expanded to two rocks. The second rock, which is more towards the Spartan,...
Make everything smaller. As I stated the first time I gave you feedback on Novus a few weeks ago, the real issue with this map isn't so much the...
IDK if you were there for that joke, because that isn't how it went down lol. Or maybe you are just trolling me. Either way Zandril, On THC I had...
Your testing submission says 8-10 players. 4v4 and 5v5 fall into that description. I thought I made this clear earlier in the thread, but maybe...
Finally got around to playing Novus, Bankrupt, and Furlough the other day. Novus: This map has come a long way since the first test and its...
Go put some meta on Obelisk :P Ark has been moved from the preview section to the maps section, but the map will continue to be refined for weeks...
Thanks Spin. I agree that the sword felt useless in that 2v2 game you played, but you've yet to see how it is used with 4v4 Extraction / KotH. It...
Thanks for your feedback man. People want to use the bridge. The bridge is a risk vs reward power position - elevation and dominance over the...
Download: The Ark Gametypes: Slayer, 5 Site Single Plot Extraction, King of the Hill [media] Screenshots: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
@AnotherClaymore, you submitted your map for testing in my lobby. I gave you honest and descriptive feedback on how to improve your spawn system...