So where do I make this purchase of free fable 3?
I think I sold mine too, but I cant remember... Oh yeah, I sold the original copy and kept the multiplayer disc that came with ODST. I think I...
This map is horrible. No wait, that was Nibbs halo skills when I played him 3 man ffa on this map. I keed I keed, this is actually a nice map and...
Sweet, never played fable so now I'll be checking it out. I loved assassins creed but never played any other part except part 1 so that's awesome.
Its pretty hard to beat a Whataburger.
I really never played Forza honestly, but I liked need for speed underground. I thought it was pretty fun though it may not be the most accurate...
Mario kart 64 > Any Forza ever That is all
Dude?! Are you for real!? Thats crazy. I'm always online anyways but I just think they're crazy! I can't comprehend this move they made, it just...
screw megaman, link and Metroid for the win!
Its almost as if Microsoft is working for Sony. That's hilarious. Sony is crapping all over Microsoft. It seems like they are making such...
Yeah I'm out on that one. Watch though, 343 will get everything right and make the forge everything we wanted it to be. I'll be so mad.
My grandpa quit drinking and smoking cold turkey, the day my uncle died of serosis of the liver. It was crazy how he could do that. He drank every...
Great, guess I'm not catching up on this thread ever again.
I believe Nibbs has. Talk to him.
What's the player count? That sure seems like a butt load of weapons IMO. 2 shottys, 2 snipers, 2 concussions, and rockets? I don't mind 2 needles...
Yeah, I'd say this is a pretty bold & stupid move. This blows my mind that they would do this.
Bruce Lee beats everything!
Sup grif? What's on your mind? I'm here for you.
23 cells to be exact