A) what is (y)? B) what is IRC?
Dude, YouTube it. My Xbox stopped reading my discs and I found a video of 2 hillbilly kids that adjusted a screw inside the disc drive. Tiny...
Its just hard for me to throw down that much money on an entertainment system now. I got little babies to feed and trying to give my wife a good...
I usually make mid purple but sometimes I feel that too many colors make the map look odd. Like Fruit Stripe gum.
12 Monkeys? Isnt that a pretty old movie? Ive not seen it either.
People still do clans?... Thats so 2007
^ the overlapping is a pet peeve of mine but it's not enough to ruin it for me. Good to see great maps still being forged with the restraints of...
Sick, when I saw you said its your introduction to Halo 4 I had to back track after I saw the pics. You look like a H4 seasoned veteran with this...
Do an oilfield. That's everywhere down here in west texas so I always thought it would be cool to do an infection map based off an oilfield. You...
Would love it, atm I'm taking care of my 2nd baby so I'm almost afk. But I'll be getting on it whenever I can.
*Picks jaw up off of floor... *Steals several ideas... *Starts planning maps out now.
I don't think you guys are corrupt, I was on the other side of this back in the day because I was always selected to create maps for tourneys....
Well, looks like the new staff is just as corrupt as they said the old staff is... Haha, Jk. I'm torn between jade and citrus.
Clears throat* Shock and TZ went missing. Staff got mad & tried to save the site without powers they needed. Then staff gets madder and quits....
Wait, you left?... Hmm. haha, jk
It was dead long before it was killed, nobody was posting in it anymore but it was cool in its early days.
Problem is, I suck at Halo so while showing off my map I might be embarrassing myself at the same time.
Is that an Incineration Conen?! ;)
Sweet, I've been searching the web for a full set of weapon pics that match for a while. Good job dude thanks a lot.