I hate it when Bungie tries to "fix" things. I like Blackout but it's no Lockout.
I think he's just looking for attention. He's posted two other threads like this.
Blanked is pretty much right. All of the true MLG players are high rank and the games get less annoying. Why don't you like it? Out of...
I played this earlier today. I'm personally not a fan off what I call "power weapon games" eg. Snipers, Rockets, ex cetera.
I'll be getting the Special Edition. I enjoy the art books and the behind the scenes stuff. It's that kinda stuff that makes me want to go to...
Not exactly, read my previous posts. Most are dead but some aren't.
It took me a while to get used to the controls and how stuff worked but overall it was pretty fun. It's just a bit too short for me to tell if it...
I'm beggining to question some of these. Does anyone know if they are doing Armor Perms AND colors or is it just Armor Perms?
[spoiler] I read somewhere that the series was gonna be a trilogy.
QFT. I always go for the Battle Rifle though I do keep an AR if I can't get Rockets or Sniper. I do agree with Matty about the AR. It is a bit...
That guy didn't know what he was talking about. I've seen it done several times. I've never been able to do it, though.
I won't be installing any games. It seems like a waste of hard drive space (on my 20GB HDD) and the noise doesn't bother me. Halo 3 won't be...
There is indeed a pilot in it. You can't see her because of the glare/polerization on the glass. If you use the flying cam you can fly into the...
I prefer Survivorman. It's just more interesting to watch. He does all his surviving and camera work. It just feels more authentic.
[img] 0 players look like this. [IMG] 0 players have this emblem
He is portrayed as the last one because in the games, he is. The Game canon contains no other spartans but the overall Halo canon does contain them.
Alright, got it, thanks.
I used the geo merging trick to put a grav lift just under the floor so all you could see was the blue lift. I've decided since to go in a...
There are three Spartan-II's, Linda, Kelly, and Fred, stuck in the Micro Dyson Sphere at Onyx. There are also three Spartan-II's, designated...
Would saying "it came from thin air" encapsulate the meaning of "air?"