I saw this a few months ago. Shouldn't this be in the Video section? Oops, my mistake. I think it was actually posted before, correct me if I'm...
[IMG] It's a transparent PNG. I can get a different format if you'd like.
I'm saying I don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad. I can not like it and not be able to do it. We're all entitled to our opinions.
I like how it's in HD but other wise, meh. The intro and outro were nice but didn't add anything for me really.
That is so true. rofl
I'm with you. Gotta have everything Halo (though I've got Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 2 Limited Edition, Halo 3, Halo 3 Legendary and many other Halo...
I would have liked it better if the character was facing the screen more and doing something action oriented. Don't get me wrong, I love this pic...
I love that, almost the first thing in the article, it says "violent video game Halo 3." That was unnecessary seeing as how Halo 3 had almost...
Why say not everyone can get in and then in the next sentence say someone else gets in? I don't truly care but it's just inconsistent.
art.com artPad An Elite head.
That's kinda freaky, that SpongeBob. It is crazy, though, how advance the create-a-character function is in games.
People appreciate it when you embed your pics. If you're not sure how, visit this thread:...
I haven't seen a perspective shot for a while. It's refreshing. The only thing that breaks it, for me, is the lack of a shadow on the cones. It...
I was playing around with 3DS Max and made a short animation of my Halo emblem. I added the background was put in with After Effects. [IMG]...
It was kinda cool they did this but I didn't win it. It doesn't matter, I'll be getting it next fall.
HTML doesn't work here. The links aren't working either. try using BB code instead.
Screenshot or it didn't happen. Still, what metal wall? Do you remember the butterfly with the Sword in Halo 2? It's similar to that....
Um.. there is a link at the top "Members List." Or is that not what you want.
Video has been removed by user? I'd like to see it.
I so badly want one of those. The reveal to Epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJL888uXhns&feature=related...