I could but I'd rather send it in for a new one. Just need to find that receipt.
Well, as it stands now, I think it's a wiring issue. If i push down the middle console if fixes whatever is wrong with it for a bit. Ican, yes,...
You're pic is probably in Grayscale. Go to Image -> Mode -> RGB. That'll convert it to an RGB image allowing you to use colors. As for the pic,...
You do realize that this thread is a few months old right?
Um, wow. Thats a bit and I only count 3 things (Recon, Marathon's Vidmaster, and the SMG) First, I think they said both those and that the...
Oh the irony. I agreed with you before and now I've broken down and made a twitter myself (though before you and just to stave off anybody that...
I haven't had any problems with it otherwise. When it was working, it worked perfectly. I guess I'll be taking it back. Here's to a good set....
Kinda want to see what some of you thought but mostly I need to vent. So, I recently got Guitar Hero: WT as a gift for the 360. I get...
I play as default Elite and rarely play SWAT. As a Spartan, I'm all default.
Modding Xbox games like Halo, Most definitly not. All people make are mods that help them to win. It'll never, and should never happen....
What you said wasn't any different from the other threads posted. There should be a rule that you have to use the search function before posting....
Exactly. Downloadable content is connected to the account, HDD, AND the Xbox its self. If you have the account and the HDD but not the original...
All maps should be removed with the only map being an empty crypt on Sandbox. Seriously though, none should be removed. I enjoy playing all of...
I got that impression too. Except it isn't mandatory and it gets you more points faster.
Pretty much. I got on the front page by having HBO link to my video. It was different enough that HBO picked it up an then Bungie saw it. If...
Halo Custom Edition Official Halo CE Files: Halo Custom Edit I somewhat agree about Hugeass and Coldsnap. In theory they should be loads of...
This is pretty cool. The only thing is for those wanting to make montages with it, it seems that it won't be very practical if you have to spend...
Search HaloMaps.org. All kinds of maps over there. As far as maps go, it depends on what you like. My favorites are Extinction, h2_pb2 Halo 2...
It isn't possible to record clips in campaign. I don't remember exactly why you can't but I think it's because of the way the campaign loads.
If I could afford both a 360 and a PS3 and had a sever fan boy reaction to play only 360 versions of games, If someone got me a Bioshock for the...