Don't worry, he's online and making it.
And is that a JPEG, because the quality looks ****.
Not as good as some of your other works. I'd give a 7/10
Er... I do? Read my request, Turbo doesn't have to be the ONLY person making me one...
Diz, you have an epic name. His name is Cole Funk guyz. Cole Funk.
You have marbleblast? EPIC!!! You should team up with me, Yavi, TDF and others and play some infection with us
You don't like me, do ya?
IRC, Iwunnachat
Elderberries. KTHXBAI
I think platinum found something for gimp that makes the quality better. Consult him.
If you could give both a try and leave it up to me to choose, that'd be appreciated. I know the quality isn't good but I'm pretty sure there's a...
Oh, sorry. Forgot to add it. Remember. Simple is good.
Can this be resized and made into a sig? Remember to fix the quality. See my current sig. Make it the same thing, but better. And remember: Don't...
Me, I be gettin it.
Is that the song?
Boom boom boom let's go back to my room where we can do it all night and you can make me feel right O-O-OH
Geddon t3h IRC
That's what I do =D
OHAI DERE And change what?
Four ears?