[IMG] Use this and make it good. Any or all of you. No specific person.
Hey. Chipsisfuckingsexy
Ohai dere
Lol, thx
Give it a go. Seriously, who came up with calling sigs? I say you all do one...
I wanna make my sig look as ****ing weird as possible. If somebody could find a pair of digitally-drawn angel-wings (LOLOLOLOL) for me to put on...
1 arm, 2 arms, 3 arms, 4.. 5 arms, 6 arms, 7 arms, more...
I tried it. Didn't go well with my name thing (See sig) See, I want them to blend well...
I did a children's book too. Pwned everyone else. I did mine in watercolours. Everyone else just put their pages in a work folder. I actually took...
Thanks guys. Funk was closest to what I wanted, now let's see what Vinny comes up with...
Hmm, I'm not allowed in my own house on sundays... It'll have to be sometime in the afternoon Saturday night
Whenever everyone's on. I dunno when, exactly but I'll try to organize it with Yavi.
Okay. There's an Alpha Zombie, who picks up a gem in the beginning of the game. If you have a gem, you're a zombie. If you're a human and you get...
Next weekend. I'm 100ks away from my xbox right now. We'll teach you how to pleh
Add rain lol an den it wil b kewl lololol!!!!1
I love the name change. For some reason, you're easier to recognize with it. And it's badass, which is always good.
Can this be resized and made into a sig? Remember to fix the quality. See my current sig. Make it the same thing, but better. And remember: Don't...
You can, if you want to. I may choose you over Gerbil.
Happy birthday man! How's **** going?
LOL, nice parody of Boydy's sigs. Hilarious.