Sorry I couldn't play with you and drawing, if you couldn't understand what I said in the voice message (I could barely understand myself for some...
YouTube - Alpha twins - Smack my derb Rape
I really do like it. You've used a lot of colours without making it look really bad, which obviously means it isn't monotone. You've done this...
poop Oh HELLS no, this just fully knocked me out of the arts degree. xD
SHURE Wut ur lviol? Anyhooza, add my GT: Stojinator. I'll play with you sometime.
It's pretty nice, though I hate how small it is, I don't like focusing on many points to see the effects, try making it bigger next time. :D
I was half going to do what Diz did, but I'm going to change that now because he did it. Bleugh, we'll see. I'm liking this topic though - alot.
#2 Because it fits the theme the most, but I think you should make the rainbow emit from behind the mountains, maybeh?
I saw something called Tunnel Raid on the favourites? Even now I haven't found whatever that is. (Haven't exactly tried but meh) I've always...
They're pretty awesome but some of them are way too distorted, eg Rat's Nest. Next time you come round to doing em, see if you can make it look...
Aww PlugIn did you get that idea off me? My vote would go to TD's right now, it's 'original' and..hand-drawn?
I like it alot, but I think what you did with the K actually lowers the 'cool' factor. I reckon it'd look better if you made it face the right...
Smeagle did the border like that on purpose, but, it's really nice. Maybe blur the guys face/hair a bit, other than that, I reckon it's great....
I is here! Dis be kool. I'm off to school, I'll see YOU nubpie's later. xD Have fun with the discussion.
Dra, they technically count for G&A, because they aren't anywhere else, obviously, lololololol. Insane told me the event started at 6 PM EST, so...
o/ GFseX is hawt, who made it? Girlfriend sex eh? I KNOW YOUR EVIL WAYS. -- I gotsda look at tha times. EDIT: 6pm EST, so 8 Am AEST
Damn. Am I too late? Rawwrrgghhh. I'm wondering, if I do happen to play, what time is the FNF for Aussies? I'll have to look into that. Also,...
There are countless flaws with this, and TBH, this took me under the 20 minute par line. I can do a V2 and do what you two said, I guess. :D