It's quite the epic. Nice mistake, btw. Great links, too. Also, Ima add your GTag and mebbe play some CC together sometime?
Any likes? [IMG]
soisoisoi Woulda played CC with you but I was with my mate. I wizza pay with you next time. GRAHH IMA GREEN KNIGHT, NUB.
McHaggis, it lacks a LOT of things and one main problem I can see, is the render quality. Extremely poor. [IMG] [IMG] Construct and Criticise?...
Bleugh, I barely use Smudge cause I suck with it, so I'll enter a sig I made a while back.
Eugh, hopefully about a year, if not, 18 months. How long have you had yours for?
Yerrp. Only got them recently. (Last Fri)
Hahahaha but they get allllllllll the laddeeezzz
o/ Braces are teh s3x
Also, can I get you to edit the email in the desc. so it says ( ) ? It's my art email.
FUX YES =D I'll make different copies if he wants, and I can sharpen the text so it's bettah
kkkk dun [IMG]
I don't have the connector for my phone. And I'm not sure if I have a webcam. =/ [/fail] BUT. ? I can ask around...
Your CC sig..... It's ****ing awesome. Also, sorry for not playing today/yesterday when my friend came over, he didn't have the game and just...
When does this end? It looks like fun and I'll attempt it tomorrow.
I'm in on it. Though I can't find the SD card associated with the camera I'm going to use. FAIL. It was an epic sandwich, too. :( I WILL enter...
Grats Linu, I didn't realise. You know what's funny? I didn't realise you posted Squared Circle until now. GOD DAMMIT. I'll have to get a...
Hahahahaha. I'm surprised you're on now, lmao. I'm not EXACTLY meant to be on this part of the net either, but owells. I disabled pictures so...
Sorry I couldn't play with you and toochie, if you couldn't understand what I said in the voice message (I could barely understand myself for some...