I beat it on Legendary [SOLO], and TBH, I think it would have been better if it was harder. =/ Sure some people have heaps of trouble, but doing...
I didn't think I needed to mention whether for people to give Cnc for a sig, because this IS a CnC thread, Isn't it? So yes pweez. Con: TBH, I...
Gears Of war. On insane, I'd always do heaps of the game and since if you get shot by one little bloody bullet, you pretty much lose all of your...
Eugh, I'm not sure what to say. First off, your text is as big as your render (if not bigger) which means you'll start off with two focal points?...
I'm not sure which sig to critique, so I'll comment on Sdra's cause to me it looks the best on this page. At first I really like it, though the...
For hosting, you might want to check this stuff out. Free Web Hosting - Free PHP Hosting, MYSQL, FTP, Ad-Free and Free Domain Names - Zymic free...
quite that. No, I'm not gay, lmfao, I just somehow got directed to your page and that profile pic was all liek...woah.
You have one sweet heccaz hairdo.
Nah, that's alright. Just give us a ring/bell when you're ready. I won't/would/never release a map anyway, but with the aid of you, I should be...
Wut'd you think of the map? I couldn't understand you because knob1 and knob2 wouldn't shut up.
douchebag. xD
Hahahahaha. inorite. I thought you meant... 'Their dicks are better' liek Their dicks are better than their attitude? o.O
They're dicks are better?
Gun, because he escapes the feeling of what everyone else did.
You've got mad nice mates.
I shall show you one of my maps when I can?
I'm going to go play H3, CC or FZ2. =D kthxbai
That's very very true, though the replayability is insane. I've only finished the game with 7 characters, (there's 20) and they've already...
Awwk cause that and CC is(are) nao my favourite game(s) =D Then Halo...never get over halo. xD I shud show you one of my maps, to see if I...
Some'then lame, but you'll know it when you see it. (It's got Stoj in it.) You got Forza 2 and/or enjoy it?