So Chrst, you're saying FC is great? This is my new list based on the reviews. 1. Gears2 (Definitely) 2. CoD5 3. FC2? I'm still debating on...
If some of you guys didn't realise; no 5 words or less answers please. :( Other than that, HPM, I'll PM you about CoD5. And about FarCry; if...
I juzzzt recently saw a thread about 'NXE Nat' or something, and I saw you post that you have to have an Xbox compatible router to get Open. I...
That's pretty neat man, well done. Make a button or something that links to the newest featured map.
First off, I wanna say please don't reply with a 5 word answer or such. I have a choice of three games to get for christmas, and I've pretty much...
For those that couldn't be bothered looking at my profile, here is what I did: [IMG] Notice his eye looking at the camera whilst looking down?...
I did a neat trick with my gamerpic. Have a look at it on my FH profile, here. (Click on my name). If you use the LT, or RT, and spin the avatar...
zomfg Flash wins. I'm only RLY basic with it right nao, but it's on our school puters. (it is most of the time) and I use it in ICT, since I'm...
Rugrats.... wins. Specially the rugrap. [IMG] I tried my best to make it look like me. I don't have that shirt. >:D
No, X's make the user lame. RLY lame.
I CBF reading all the pages right now, cause I gotta go, but CoD:WaW is just using CoD4's engine. All WaW is, is just a re-skin. A mod, you could...
Just watch out when you play online and you've got all this stuff. I had it all, and my stuff got reset because of online d/c. (Items, cash and...
I have to say, that's way better than what I can do, though his legs look a little skimpy for the trousers his wearing. Great job.
Wow. Upgraded even more, I just got on after ages because I went away in the holidays. Grats.
Sorreh I haven't been on, but i went away. We be forgin some other time. :D
I don't reckon there should BE a back. On the front, that logo and in pixelfont or really small normal font; '' Or have the logo...
When we gon make epic?
You're doing stuff with Vorpal and Blaze or whatever, so I'll leave you to that, I'm gunna pair up with Diz.