Also, did you have to use a capcard to get these pictures, or does Gears have a screenshot system like Halo?
Mutha effing lol This is hilarious. xD Was it a glitch, or are you able to do that everytime?
"I..don' am-pu-tatio-n" ----- "lol mi knee is inter...inter'd with urs"
Congrats, deserved - and I only saw about 8 posts of you.
Would anyone like to tell me what the Overkill perk does? (I know what stopping power does.... :P)
Your sig.... It's amazing... IT... CHANGES. >:O
I've actually used it friends thought he was a 'Game Creator' if he used this. In fact, it makes you a worse game maker than before....
Whathafuk? What was the picture saying 'Nemi was here' with my sig in it? I'M POPULAR. >:O xD
It's very nice RoB. I like how the line goes in front and behind the character. I've always been a fan of your sigs. I've always failed at...
I was gonna say you say 'fricking' way too much, but it seems like eleventy people already have. It's cool, but it's needs something different...
Haha Rusty, what a coincidence. I actually asked for some clothes, if it were possible. I think I'll get; 1. Gears2 2. CoD5 3. Fable 2...
Why? I just would like 3 for christmas, no more. Is there a specific reason? Which is exactly why I want it (CoD:WaW). >.< Mirrors edge =...
IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US. Anyways, I read it and I say kudos for you, taking the time. CoD5 BEING CoD4 is pretty much why I want it. Kill me all...
Hahahaha. Too bad I'm in Australia. Thanks anyway. :P Anyhooza, wake up in the morning at 5?
Is the online in FarCry really that scarce, or is just that you get McSuck teams and stuff?In CoD5 Beta, some games, I'd dominate and even,...
So FC is a game where it isn't just, 'ONOES a dood, SHOOT' You have to plan and think things? Seems like a great combo if I got CoD5. If I got...
Awwww man, now I'm back deciding for FC2. I really gotta stick to something here. So tell me Sdra, how come multiplayer fails? And as to why...
I thought you might say Fallout, and I was looking forward to as why. I'm not really that hyped for it. I don't really 'feel' the gameplay. If you...
I've got a 14 day trial, got it for free from somewhere, don't remember where, lmfao. I've had it for AGES though, how many patches have there...
That, sirs, is one hefty of a good post. Give this man a medal. :D For F3, I'd have to talk to someone with it to know what it's like. Not too...