Rep is dead, long live _______
panda, shutup
<3 the PPC.
for chuck.
1: Oh my god, these refs! I mean, they're doing their best, but they just dont have the experience of the regular refs. Actually, this is mostly...
[img] This is what my runblock does.
Hi brittany!
... Its Halo Reach's birthday, not mine lol
bazinga *waits for hateposts*
QFT. Android fanboy reporting in. Such a fanboy, i considered typing Fandroid.
My IP still isnt allowing access to FH, so if im not as active, you know why :P Only can visit at school/not at home, so ya.
whats been going on
Let me be the first to say, congratulations. You FINALLY got a rank :P
Problem's resolved, seems like it broke under stress from people trying ot download Skyrim's new DLC Hearthfire. Unstuck, locked.
Sorry friend, but I didnt organize the brackets for our tourney. You'll need to talk to Shock Theta about that.
To bump this thread with relevant conversation, anyone can now get the Xbox Dashboard Beta which includes the Internet Explorer app. Looks pretty...
Bumping this thread for the 2012 season. Won't sticky unless theres need for it. How bout dat RGIII?
i just thought you'd appreciate my getting a snapback more than most :P
Thats what Steve One gets for not closing and locking his door
grif, stop replying to DC.