if you dont use chrome you should stop using the internet
lol he uses ie
I heard all of those special forces ninjas had helmet cams and were transmitting live video feeds to the president and his advisors and **** while...
YouTube - The Janitor was right
man, my video doesnt work
It just went to my facebook home page.
I'll ban you from my heart.
Theory: Microsoft did it in order to monopolize on the online multiplayer experience, why do you think they're raising their prices?
What if it isn't detected, then what?
thats all you need. should be cheap too
why cant you use the HDMI cables
*cough* PC master race
Amazon.com: Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable: Video Games
Hey, you're good with computers. Why does my external HDD chirp? Is it a mechanical or electronic problem?
good thing i dont care
[/color][/size][/b] Wait until they raise the subscription prices again, you'll wish you had a PS3.
That is true, some of my friends have dropped hundreds into it, but its funny seeing someone's cheapo barebones deck beat a super expensive...
It's a great card game, more balanced than others. I'm always competing with my friends to make better and stronger decks than theirs. I recently...
I don't expect this to be popular, but I may as well create it so the few who actually play Magic have somewhere to talk. [IMG] So,...