come back to me grunge
welcome back you basterd
turn it into a sort of double chefs hat
i will
thinking of buying a ukulele
I just watched the first two episodes of Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Awesome.
this drummer is at the wrong gig - YouTube never gets old
That's pretty obvious.
i was ressurected, motherfucker!
i just wanted to be with tali!
RST went from wannabe emo to wannabe hipster
id rather not. its might ruin my plan for ultimate revenge. all the pieces are falling into place. ive been planning this since sept '10
i have a grizzly head full of hair
you can not deny me my rights
Everyone and Everything by The Boys and Girls (Full Version) - YouTube
The main quest requires you to kill 50 dragons before you get dragonrend
That's a pretty bold statement