I'm not a moderater or anything but in my opinion your post should be put up when your're ready. All your doing is pushing posts off the home page...
Alright next time. Hopefully see you on soon.
Sorry if I was bothering you lastnight but I just need some help with setting up spawns. Your help and time would be much appreciated. I've seen...
Nice looking map. It surely shows that you were patient on this and took your time. The only thing that I would change is maybe add some center...
I posted this question on Bungie and didn't get much response. I think Bungie should make a seperate game just for forging that allows for...
so technically he didn't in defense of the other creator
looks alright -but why not make it bigger?
Great looking map, the leveling alone shows that this map was well thought out. Is there a way to reach the roof? Definite download. I will play...
I've put lots of time in to making maps(two maps that I will be posting soon) and will possibly post them more than once if this type of posting...
Looks like a great layout. Gameplay should flow. My only advice is to take more pride and time in your merging, what's the rush? Don't undermined...
I cant seem to change the respawn on the items that are on the glitched map Im using they never reappear when I set them to respawn after start of...
Looks like the map flows well except for the man cannon that you got hung up on for like 5 attempts. Its things like this this that should be...
I noticed you have alot of pics on haloscreenshots-I need your help-I cant seem to force update any more pics since my initial download-how do I...
How do I update pics on haloscreenshots-I Force update a nothing happens WTF
I've done that and can you delete your screenshots or is that done on bungie?
I cant seem to update my screenshots past the original 30 from my initial haloscreenshot upload ? How do I go about updating my screenshots and...
I was just wondering that when you hit your item limit can you delete objects from the glitch to free up space? Also is it true Bungie doesnt...