The **** is dune. My top 3 films of 2012 are Django Unchained, The Hobbit, and The Master. I can't wait to watch one of them.
He who controls the spice, controls the universe
[IMG] Before I didn't know what you were all about, but now I know what you're all about. If you were my kid, I'd be so proud of you. If I was...
Your first name sucks, but your last name is amazing. It's like half "Dazzler" half "Dancer" half... antler. I'd gay marry your ass for a...
Good wow, bad wow... don't just throw out wow's man.
Chuck gets shot because we didn't know that Grif hired someone to train his subconscious to fight intruders.
See you soon Grif. See you soon. [IMG]
You and your friends better batten down the hatches. Because when it hits you're all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large...
Death in the Family is taken already anyway.
I think The Silence Broken is a pretty rad band name. No disrespect.
You're just jealous because you know it's better than The Silence Broken.
What was it exactly that you thought was hilarious yesterday?
Hey man.
Nah, I'm just pumped I bought some **** from a thrift shop
---------- So I had Longshore 2/3s done, but due to a death in the family, I won't have it done in time for the contest deadline. I'll finish it...
If your signature is indicative of your skill as a painter, just remember: real artists commit suicide. You want to paint with watercolours? Léon...
My friend Gavin was friends with a guy named Clark who found his girlfriend cheating on him when he came home early from a trip and he murdered...
Grif is so rich they enrolled him in Hogwarts even though he's not a wizard.
Can I sell it back to Steam for $5? Only way I'd buy it.