If you mean the movie, Fifth Element. If you mean the substance, probably Barbeque sauce. Watch the commentary.
Wait, there's a cure for cancer? I'm going to eat so much of this chemo stuff it will make your head spin. I hope it tastes like grapes.
It's really not a problem for PvP, no more than it's a problem for any other MMO. There's a chance Destiny won't have competitive multiplayer in...
Right, because I was totally talking about non-emergency situations. And police officers NEVER get ticketed.
We're still talking about America, right? You're right man. Police should have to wait at red lights like the rest of us. Same with ambulances...
31 School Shootings in America Since Columbine, Only 14 in the Rest of the World Combined SCHOOL shootings. You dun goobered Matty.
Because most murders and spree killings are carried out by high profile execs, government individuals, their security and the police, exactly....
Pretty cool. The top-down homebrew-yness reminds me a little of a game I can barely remember playing called Dink Smallwood. You should try it...
That's impossible, that's like... 500 words an hour.
I'm pretty sure the announcement said that the PlayStation got exclusive content, not just the PS3 or PS4. And it's been known for months that...
**** exclusive content, seriously. There's no ****ing reason for it. It wouldn't surprise me if the xbox version has exclusive content the same...
Yeah, the corrupt Jew media's hidden agenda: conspiring to regulate gun ownership so that they can limit the amount of people killed with...
Guys trudging through the snow with the tank are The Fallen (Spider-Pirates). I hope The Fallen's "dungeons" means there'll be some instances in...
Magic is bestowed from the traveller according to Bungie, multiple sources. As a fictional "powers" (because it isn't magic) system? Bioware...
Biotics was solely a Mass Effect concept.
I hope they call them "instances" and not missions. I hate when games use a new name for terminology that already exists. I can't see why...
1. Abortion is the act of removing a fetus/ embryo, not "murdering innocent and helpless babies". 2. The laws of government are by and large a...