Ive done every quest more than three times, beat the game like eight times, have four of five characters at max level, and have farmed more time...
Yeah... but I'm lazy as ****.
I wanna eat yer babies!
Yeah, thats what it made me think of too. I lol'd pretty hard.
They got rid of race? What kind of bogus is this!?
I shovel.
An admin did it to mess with us. Pretty annoying :P
Yeah, I think I may, I think I might. You ever get Borderlands 2?
wat .
I heard about that guy. Ghost merging and ****, and he apparently hang out with some cool dudes. He was a total *** though.
Moxxi <3
Not really, no... I honestly have no clue.
Details of my demotion were greatly exagerated.
My demotion was a miscommunication.
Back in black red.
To take this to twink levels of awesome, you can grab an SMG magazine and damage class mod from terra (its a purple drop, friggin' amazing), a...
Standing by, sir!