Riding. Motherfucking. Dragons.
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Dragonborn - Official Trailer (UK) - YouTube
To be fair, none of those are that difficult. Other thank requiring you to get to level 31, the Assassin's achievement is just as easy; you just...
We can't feature the map before we release the results. So we had to keep this in staff-limbo, even though it had already earned the feature.
She looks so happy. I dont, i mean. Now i am happy too. So happy! Oh, btw, you ever finish the PMW, or rather the "Immortal Game"? That ending...
Explain. I did not know about a journo abusing technicalities; who is it?
NCState. Not the sixth best team in the country. Ohio and Michigan aren't 3/4. Kansas is not top ten. Worst rankings ever.
Plasma Pistol err'day!
If you send a message to one of the Administrators, they will be able to change it for you.
There, you should be good.
Lol, gimme a sec someone broke the code
You will be unbanned shortly. As in, like thirty seconds.
From a 343i gameplay vid, its fair.
Whomever decided to edit out the "warning: spoilers/no leaks" is a goofball. Its against our site policy, so the rules on that haven't changed. If...
It use to be about sharing knowledge and research, etc. Now its about money. **** money.
Gret writig of the lyrics, but damn. They cant sing.
Lol, I am just some Pinkie that you used to know.
Literally everything. I am completely self-taught on the most basic concepts of each instrument, but have extensive training in Marching...
Actually, ignore that.