I GOT VENATOR LEGIT My life's work is now complete. All i need to do is find a way to get the Legendary Edition unicorn armor, and I'll...
This thread does not need to be deleted. It can serve as a message to future generations! It can sit here, and encourage further discussion if...
Yes. No. Sometimes?
I literally am never literal. Always sarcastic. **** just got meta
I am hardcore sarcastic bro...
Yes. Gross, immature, and not allowed on the site.
They tryin' to catch me I be browsin' dirty
browsin on my xbox
Um, my messages are definitey three minutes ago, while yours are merely two. Its clear who the universe favors here.
(Maybe even tonight)
Oh, also; I might be getting money tomorrow. Enough for a Halo.
Remind when I get home tonight; finish pony thread. For the epic that will ensue tomorrow.
Child-porn. Its a ban-able offense.
The admins are updating the site, which includes the map forums, for Halo: 4. When they finish that, you will be able to post. Maybe sooner.
Seriously. Guys. Bloodmoon was far better than Shivering Isles in my opinion. The characters were just as good, the story was more engaging It...
Oh, i'll always love para-diddles. I just needed a change. And as to my name; its just the admins goofing around. Not even worth worrying about.
Are you me? I'm also chill, not terribly hyped, and passing time with some of the badass ME3 multiplayer. Just got a Harrier II and finally solo'd...
Yeah, I am. What of it?
Seriously guys. Seriously, guys. Guys. Seriously. SOLSTHEIM WAS THE ****ING ****. Seriously. I remember back when I got my Morrowind GotY...