Good lord, all these names. Its been like a billion years. My frackin' avatar is the stupidest thing ever. Whats everybody been up to, other than...
Ur mom doesnt understand lol shoutout to mah homies #yoloswag that was ironic, please don't believe I talk like that
Its pretty damn cool. I myself quite enjoy it, Though few friends will play.
So, I heard you were thinking About a certain game, I have an inkling Could be magic indeed.
Newly a tale so lovely I heard, From a dear and friendly little bird That Cartographer - a title you earned - A nomenclature deserved for sure!
Its cus people here don't know **** about magic, and those that do are hardcore make-fun-of-the-neckbeard-creeps-who-play-magic, specifically the...
Mutha. ****in. Bread crumbs.
So, I found actualy magic cards for the first time in my life. They were just chillin' in the back of target... In the little kids section. There...
Lol, nevermind! I found it :P
I remember that... But where did I type it?
Say, didn't you offer to clear my PMs? I've got a ****ton of them :(
I must say... That putpose must've been most unusual.
So, I heard you mega-failed with chris? :P
Yeah, you check it didn't you? I looked like a complete retard lol.
No, I agree with you. Especially back in H3, where the pistol was utter trash... I never wanted that thing in my hands. Then i evolved; it was...
I think that the File system is more important than anything, honestly. But thats just me.
You fail.
He is a bit of a [no-no word]
Gah, I suspected as much.