Race Tracks are for fun.They are not meant to piss people off.Make wider ways and smothers tracks.THEN ill download and tell you what I think.But...
Ok send me a message when you post it.
Tunnles would actually improve it.If you want accuaracy then tunnles are good.Real trenches have dozens of tunnles.Even some underground.That will...
Its kinda hard to explain but ill try.In the last pic of it shows the boxes lined up.Instead of facin the side of the box inward face the front of...
Good concept but it needs more room.Maybe add another tunnel and it will be better.Also do what Assasin said to do about the bridges and boxes.For...
this is a very good map.From what I see it is flawless.Even with no Inter-Locking or Geo-Merging it good.I like the Back hallway.The only prob I...
Well as Rusty said.Its way too easy to fall off.And way too narrow.Maybe try again and take your time.
Thanks and good luck on your map.
V2 will be released Saturday.
The V2 is done and I will post it later today.
Thank you for the tips and YES, a V2 of this will be released very soon.
Yes I have playtested it over and over and it fits good.
This is a "Rat Race" type of map.It supports Supports Slayer,Odball,KoTH, and Juggernaut.Recommended players are 6-12. Weapons List AR ~ 1...
Are you doin sigs for the community
This is a Medium sized Symetrical map that supports all gametypes but Bomb & Infection. Weapons BR ~ 11 Shotgun ~ 1 Sniper ~ 1 Plasma Pistol ~ 2...
Actually it there are.
This is a symetrical Slayer map.Recommened for 5-12 players. Weapon List x5 ~ Battle Rifle x1 ~ Shotgun x2 ~ Sniper x2 ~ Spiker x2 ~ Plasma...
thanks guys
Read post in first page.
In a previous thread I showcased all of my screenshots.Now here are the best of the best with new ones too.With the original numbers. #1[IMG]...