Been playing multiplayer a bit. Around level 30 or something. Some maps are alright, but there are several that are just terrible. I remember IW...
Blasphemy! Tell us your secrets!
It wasn't all on rails, but there were sections like that, of course. But honestly, what did you expect? I'm not using that as a lazy excuse as in...
So I just beat the campaign, after getting the game for Christmas. I am actually really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. IMO it's the best CoD...
The Xbox Live 12 days of Christmas thing was leaked a few days ago. I don't have a source, because I can't remember where I saw it, but the only...
The unparalleled rage you experience after accidentally deleting something you just spent hours working on.
A Book of Haikus Joey Dyer [spoiler]
So, as a white elephant gift, I'll be writing a book of haikus. Great idea, or the greatest idea?
It's less of a plan and more "you're going to open a door and a bucket of piss is going to fall on your head."
So far, every single plan my friend has discussed ends up with a bucket of piss falling on my head.
Half life 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3. Every single one of their franchises are up for a 3.
I was also considering a few of these... [spoiler] Edited by merge: His sister is dating a 22-year-old (5 years older) college drop out...
We've agreed that outside help is fair game, so that's possible... I'm considering recruiting his twin sister, just don't know what I'd ask her...
So, y'know how sometimes someone will push you forward while you're using a urinal and make you pee on yourself? Haha, funny, yeah whatever. My...
The VGA trailer looks absolutely terrible compared to what we saw a year ago. It's a completely different game. It's being made by Platinum Games...
Finally seen every episode of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. Now I just need to watch the first half of the current season. Not sure when...
No you can't.
Yes I can.
I watch Survivor with the folks. Say what you will, 20 seasons later it is still funny to watch a middle aged school teacher crack under the...
I like this.