I don't really care either way. Developers and Publishers can already practically remote lock any gamer connected to the internet from playing...
Just give me downloadable titles day of release already.
In all fairness, there are very, very few people who are dissatisfied with ME3 as a whole. In fact, by visiting the Bioware message boards I've...
I personally don't feel like the audience of Mass Effect has the right to demand change on a narrative level, but EA and Bioware obviously possess...
That's pretty impressive. Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup) - YouTube
It's recently been announced that Bioware may possibly be changing the ending or introducing alternate endings to Mass Effect 3 based on negative...
Mass Effect 3: New Ending Incoming - PlayStation 3 News at IGN Muzyka doesn't specifically say that they are changing the ending to the game,...
Was 40 hours for me. Just as long as the first two. It is one of the longer games out there, but it's not necessarily just length. Certain engines...
Shepard being indoctrinated was an idea that Mac Walters (lead writer) came up with one night when he was drunk. He thought about putting it into...
It seemed to me like Bioware didn't really like Wrex that much themselves. I loved him as a character and squadmate in ME1, but in ME2 the default...
Garrus's conversation near the end of the game was definitely emotional, as well as Mordin's and Thane's deaths. Mordin was my favorite character...
It's not really convoluted, just less... literal, or plain. The Crucible is older than anyone could have guessed, so it's origins and capabilities...
Unfortunately I can't find interviews explicitly stating this, seeing as there are hundreds, but Bioware has said from the very first game that...
The sole argument against this, and many people will be dissatisfied with it, is that was never what Mass Effect was about. Never. In Mass Effect...
Am I literally the only person happy with the ending? I was glued to my TV from the moment I landed at the Cerberus base up until the scene after...
The saddest thing about all of this? I won't want to go out on Halloween >.<
You know how people in movies will sometimes **** a shotgun with one hand by just grabbing it and moving their hand up and down? It is the most...
Also, FYI, first trailer on Monday. Most likely will be one of their CG trailers, but those are always entertaining nonetheless and usually reveal...
Chronicle - Great Act of Valor - Meh/Mediocre Project X - Great, if you're into that sort of thing Also, I've seen The Dark Knight Rises trailer...
TONS of new info from Game Informer. Very slight spoilers about the set up of the game, and a very vague spoiler about the Revelations ending....