just take a look at older members maps youll see mean and aesthetics is a good place to start if you want some help I will help you Im not making...
I have to say no to this. Everthing looks lazy you can do way better then this I know you have alot of budget left go back and fix it up its your...
Nice map from the pics but I think the game play may be lacking not sure havent played on it yet
I see way to many maps like this and they dont work out because there is only one way to go and nothing ever gets done
your maps are amazing keep up the good work
you should make this for ctf or something I think this map would fit it
very nice map I like how the window show a backround falcon make me feel like Im in some type of building. one thing I dont like is the ramps in...
From the pics it looks plane beside from using the big grey walls you should have made it in the hanger or use something eles for walls. There are...
Ur map is too open and Invasion on a map like this are you sure about that
no offence AmazingForger but this is very messy forging you could have done alot better and the gameplay needs major fixing
This looks amazing... see you in halo 4
lmfao thats made my day
2 words... new screensaver
ya may stuff been acting up today itll maybe fix itself
This map looks very good im going to play on this today
you could have put alot more time into this use less buildings almost the whole map is made of them.
Ive spoted some zfight. From the looks of it I think it will play good but I haven't had a party to test it yet
love how its not on forge world gives us something new
wow nice build
The map is too open and you need to add more pics your only showing us the middle which looks almost the same. You should also tell us about the...