I like this. I dont rate race maps on looks only on how much fun it is to play on and this is funn. it is also long and gos around the whole map...
This can be alot cleaner then it is. I know your useing rocks but make it look less like a land slide.
They have to keep halo 3 it was the one of the best online games. Hopefully Halo 4 will be just as great so they wont ever think of getting rid of...
This place looks like some place from Torak. I like the theme here and ur use of inclines.I need to play in this soon good job
In the pics I see some places have a roof and others dont. Is your map closed in or open in afew places
the flooring inthe 2nd pic is amazing. the map looks like it would fit well for slayer but the rocket hall seems like it would be forgotin while...
This is a very creative game. this game was fun with alot of players. the british and american flags are wow and the gameplay is pleasing. btw...
ya thats what I ment by here
Hi im Cheiyijei and Welcome to the ForgeHub my friend
your Berb, hes Berb, Im Berb is there anymore Berbs we should know about Welcome to ForgeHub and i hate Kinect for a mic too btw Im not Berb
was up! Welcome to the ForgeHub I'm berb good to meet you
Hi pyro im Cheiyijei or Chewy for short ive seen your work and im impressed keep up the good work and see you in Halo 4 :)
I wish this was here around the time I joined. this helps out alot with need to know things of the site. you should make one for members who dont...
this looks alot better then other lockout remakes ive seen hopefully the gameplay show it
This is a fun map with a large party I got dizzy abit watching this on film.
Hello Seoul Trogdor Im Cheiyijei, or Chewy for short, and welcome to ForgeHub! I hope you enjoy all the wonderful maps we have and would like to...
This map Is very good for KOTH but thats it slayer here is good for 2v2 but other then that nice remake
map looks like you put this togeter in 5min. not very creative and way way way too open we can land the pillar of autumn in there use ur budget...
looks like this would be fun ima take it on
ok I just played your map and you have major spawn killing going on and the middle is a pointless upper path. you should fix it you gots the budget