The AR is good for the player who suck with a DMR besides, everyone uses the DMR anyways Idk anyone who souly uses only the AR
Space forge make me want to make an alien map and the Flood make better aliens the the elites. 343 did a good job
I like how you made it as an office building but it looks too cluttered at many places. What gametype do you play here?
Hi im Cheiyijei or Chewy for short, you already know me but I still welcome you to Forge Hub
z-Fighting = bad Smooth Platform =good Z-Fighting is bad because it make things laggy and uneasy to the eyes. It basicly makes it more uniform and...
Halo 4 is right around the corner so im going to post the rest fo my maps soon but first I need to show you MSB Kingdom made by Mad Shark Bite and...
A very well stand alone map. This is a first where you can drive around with out too little or too much space. the game plays very well and like...
What am I looking at? This is random,lazy,mazy,ect. You just put this together in 5 sec. and put no plan in this at all. yes this is your first...
well... um... this is weird. This is a good remake and all but why sword base? The real one sucked PLUS with halo 4 about a month away you could...
I try forging on other maps but none works out like forgeworld. tempest dont count because it has the same forge stuff
hopefully this is an outline. if this is it then all I have to say is you need more time making this better. If you going to have cars make room...
Hello Jake,Im Cheiyijei and I would like to welcome you to ForgeHub. I think youll learn lots of forging tricks from other members that forge...
Hello Im Cheiyijei,Chewy for short, and I will like to welcome you to ForgeHub!
I dont like it. I see lots of zfighting, there is no theme here and the grid just killed it because it there for no reason. Floating platforms...
Hi i'm Cheiyijei From Puerto Rico Welcome to ForgeHub :)
The best part of the map is the inside. Its has all the asthetics in side. the outside needs the most work.I think you should make this a ship,it...
Dont get me wrong when I say this, but this looks like a noob made this. I can tell you want to add more asthetics but you dont know how so you...
The middle of the map is the highlight here. (so many colors) this map is nicely well made. I dont think the middle is too open because its like a...
I agree. This is the only map I think could have been better. It has no fit theme here just gray. well In every map pack theres always 1 that dont...
I like this. Ur map pack isn't half bad. By the way it sounds this can be very challanging depending who you play with. its almost like grif ball...