Have you made any videos? If so where can I find them or what is your account on youtube
I asked the question whether a Deployable Cover can be put in a conquest map for the forge off. Here was the main part of Rusty Eagles answer....
This is a great map. I have never seen a conquest map on The Pit before, and this shows The Pits true potential. Last night was amazing. The...
Map Name: Propulsion Link To Map: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Map Creator(s): Bartoge Here is a link to the FH thread for...
Map URL: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/54416-propulsion.html#post694102 Map Name: Propulsion GT: Bartoge
:VIDEO HELP: If anyone would capture some film clips for me to help me get a video of propulsion, that would be great . [IMG] ^^^^^^^^ Click...
Go to the Conquest Forge Off thread and click on "read this". It will take you to the book of conquest thread. That has a great explanation, if...
I have a question about Conquest in general. Whenever I have played conquest on my map people try to spawn camp. However I have noticed that for...
no eastern
OK, well Im testing tomorrow at 6:00. I posted a thread in the TRC Guild thing, but so far only 1 person signed up. I'll still host it and see if...
[IMG] [IMG] Here are two screens of my map. Its done, and is in the testing phase.
my conquest map is done. Im now in the testing stage, and then I'll make some final aesthetic touches and it will be posted. I just did a testing...
Now I am done with the geometry of the map, and all I have to do is put weapons, spawns, and territories. its small but hopefully will play well
but even if they are ungeod, you still can not see the dimensions.
Yours was pretty good when we played on it last night. But I was expecting more of a "wow" or a "omg" moment when you saw its entirety. I mean the...
hey whats teardrop merging